Naturally dyed ribbons
What you’ll need:
Cotton or linen bedlinen (scoured & mordanted for more vibrant colors, optional) - soak for min 1h for even color uptake
Red & brown onion skins (2-3 handfuls each per dye bath, the more the stronger the dye bath)
Avocado pits & skins, fresh or frozen (I used the pits and skins of 4 avocados)
Pots (I use canning pots)
Bowl and strainer to strain dye baths
Tongs or spoons to handle fabric
If you’re interested in learning more about dyeing with kitchen waste, check out my “Natural Dyeing with Kitchen Waste” tutorial. It provides detailed instructions on pre-treatment steps and tips for achieving vibrant pinks using avocado pits and skins.
I hope you have an amazing time creating your own upcycled ribbons this Christmas!